Submissions EEHR n. 6 (2023)

Special Issue:

From East to West. Women journeys in Early Modern Period 16th to 18th to Italy

Special Issue Editor: Dr. Ph.D. Jaroslaw Pietrzak (Pedagogical University in Krakow – Poland)

Deadlines: 31 October 2022 (abstract. Max: 250 words)/ 31 March 2023 (full text. Max: 35,000/ 40,000 characters, including spaces and notes)

From the earliest times, women made journeys from the farthest parts of the world to the center of Christianity, which was Rome – the Eternal City. The best example was the pilgrimage of St. Bridget of Sweden in 1349. In later centuries, women also came to other Italian cities, and the goal was not only a pilgrimage to shrines (Loreto, Assisi), but also establishing political relations at the courts in Venice, Florence, Turin, etc., and economic interests. Some of the rulers like, Christina of Sweden and Maria Kazimiera d’Arquien Sobieska, even found a safe place to emigrate in Rome, which resulted in their awakening of cultural life. Beginning in the 18th century, women undertook a new type of journey that we can define as cognitive. Polish and Russian aristocrats visited Italy to learn about new cultural trends, buy works of art, visit ancient ruins in Pompeii and Herculaneum, climb Mount Vesuvius and finally take pictures with famous artists such as Pompeo Battoni and Angelika Kauffman. This type of trip was also associated with a trip to the waters of Puzzuoli, Bani di Lucca and other spas.

Eastern European History Review’s new edition titled From East to West. Women journeys in Early Modern Period 16th to 18th to Italy focuses on multifaceted journeys of women from Central and Eastern Europe to Italy, the goals they set for themselves on the threshold of expeditions and the implementation of their plans.

Languages: English, Italian.

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